Monday, September 6, 2010


It was very interesting today at the gym.  With the holiday it was a whole different crowd of people.  I don't exactly stick to a super regular schedule, but going today made me realize how many familiar faces I usually see.

And the people were behaving differently, too.  At one point I looked up from the rowing machine and I saw groups of men in twos and threes, leaning on equipment, talking together.  Everywhere I looked, there they were - an image from the movie "The Birds" popped into my mind.  After a bit they began to go their separate ways and the image of  something being plotted faded away.

It was crowded and I gave up on using the weight equipment and went to another area to do my knee, back and ab exercises.  I usually take my iPod off for this but there was a young woman speaking a a loud voice to a man while running on the treadmill so I kept it on.  I could not turn it up loud enough to drown out all of what she was saying.  I especially could not miss that the F word was one of her favorites.  So - is it just me?  I think it is unattractive and rude to speak that way in public.  I know some people think words are just words, but in  public I still think there should be some restraint.
Anyway, I moved on and did a little people watching while I was stretching out and cooling down.  There were some older men wearing short shorts.  My girls get very upset by the sight of men in short shorts.  They don't realize that was what men wore on the basketball and tennis courts 20 years ago - it was the style all the guys wore.  Recently I heard a young person say a  rude name for speedo swim suits (banana hammock, if you must know)  but I was a timer for my high school swim team and have fond memories of those speedos and the boys wearing them! 

We may have used more ladylike language, but we knew not to complain about the opportunity to take a good look at athletic young men.


Danielle said...

I definitely can't say I never use the F word, but I find I only really use it when around friends that I'm comfortable with. Or if I'm really, really upset/angry and it slips out. I get uncomfortable when random people in public use it casually - and loudly.

As for speedos, down here in NZ they call them "budgie smugglers" which I almost think is worse than banana hammock!

Karen said...

I get very selfish and hate the gym on holidays. Used to be, when I went to cycling class, that all the bikes filled up with non-regulars. Today we rode outside and the path was soooo crowded! I am a Scrooge.

Sarah@LowStressWeightLoss said...

Just wanted to let you know that I will publish a post tomorrow giving you an award!

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

While I do think words are just words, I also think common courtesy goes a long way. It bothers me when I hear people using foul language in front of older people and kids, especially.

What bothers me worse than the words used are when people using loud gym equipment try to talk over it. :)