Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Many years ago when my youngest was still in a stroller, they opened a Cinnabon in the mall.  Cinnamon rolls for me are one of those foods with so many happy memories attached.  A special food made by my mom for special occasions, a tradition I carry on with my own family.

I have never been one to buy store baked things except for bread.  I am a bit of a snob that way!  But I must say that the mere smell of the Cinnabons told me that they were making a high quality cinnamon roll, and I stopped in and bought one.  I split it with my 3 kids and we all loved it.  Getting a Cinnabon - without icing because that made it too sweet - became an occasional treat when we went to the mall and they behaved.  Then there was a newspaper article about the franchise which disclosed the nutritional content.  The fat content was equal to 3 days worth of recommended dietary fat.

I have never eaten another Cinnabon.  That was in 1998.

So when people question whether putting the nutritional counts on fast food menus or receipt, as they are doing in one Pacific Northwest burger chain called Burgerville - I say YES!  It really can have an impact on people.  They use a service called Nutricate which displays the Calorie and nutrition content of the food ordered and shows the customer exactly how many Calories they are eating. Burgerville seeks to be a fast food industry innovator and to set the standard for other chains to follow. 

Critics say that people who want a cheeseburger won't care, but my experience says otherwise, sometimes you just need to see the numbers right in front of your nose, instead of having an idea of what it could be floating around in your mind.

 I think that is just great, and I hope other restaurants will do the same thing.


Karen said...

I wish all restaurants did it! If we don't want to know the info we can choose not to read. Last spring I was trying to find a better option when a family gathering was going to have subs for dinner. I planned to get a salad and was shocked to see it had twice as many calories as the sub I usually ordered!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I have never, ever had a Cinnabon because of that publicity.

Knowing the nutritional information is a huge help. Huge.

Anonymous said...

I agree exactly 1 zillion percent! Whenever I am traveling or have to eat at a restaurant and need to eat outside of my comfort zone, I want to know the calories and macronutrient breakdown - it serves as another method of self-monitoring for me.

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

I like the idea of restaurants providing accurate nutritional information. For me, it doesn't mean I won't EVER eat in their restaurant, but it does let me know what I need to do to balance it out. I love cinnamon rolls, too, and used to have one at least once a week. I don't think I've had one in three years. It would take 2 weeks to balance that out. :)