Thursday, November 11, 2010

SURPRISE! ...not in the good way

My absences from blogging here run pretty much along with my absences from the gym and complete adherence to my diet program.  I weighed in at the gym last week and was not thrilled but not too upset to see I had gained 7 pounds.  It seemed reasonable considering that I have been slip-sliding for about 2 months.  I am feeling very jiggly and out of shape, my legs hurt like they did before I started working out regularly.  I really am back to a starting point.

So I started back on program on Monday and finally weighed in again today.  Surprise!  I am actually up 14 pounds!  When I thought about it I recalled 2 things.  1.) I weighed in on a different scale than I usually do, and 2.) I was naked.

I usually use the scale upstairs on the gym floor fully dressed, including shoes because that is where and how I was weighed when I first started last February.  So, I guess the difference between adding  my clothes and the different scale is double!  Oh, my.  (No wonder the locker room scale is the one my daughter likes to use!)

So it is going to take a bit longer to get back to where I left off than I originally thought.  I am back to the weight I was in June.  Yikes.   If it was just the 7 pounds I thought I could be back on track by December 1, but 14 will be tough to do even by Christmas because I am going to be realistic. 

So, I am back.  Climbing up the slide I slid down!


Jen on the Edge said...

I'm sorry to hear that you've regained some weight. I really understand the frustration that goes along with this, as I've done the same thing before. Just keep doing what you need to and it will come off, you know it will.

shrink on the couch said...

Climb baby, climb! I feel your pain. I know it all too well. It helps to remember that relapse is just another part of addiction. The important thing is you are getting back into gear.

Karen said...

Oh I can identify with you. I am actually heavier than I was in June. Yep, slip-sliding since summer for me too. I thought I was over the yo-yo thing but clearly not.

So, let's you and I get back on track and do what we need to do. We can. We will. (Such optimism from me.)

Wenderina said...

My WW leader used to tell me you only have to come back one more time than you leave. Wise words.