Monday, February 1, 2010


I am thinking I may have to stop buying peanut butter. I posted on my regular blog about my scary day, Thursday in the ER, with Ally - her first migraine. She called from school today thinking she was getting one again. I zoomed over with the new medicine she is supposed to have immediately and then came home and got more and more nervous waiting to hear from her.
I had my proper plan breakfast and mid-morning snack. Then I pulled out the celery and crunched through 5 or 6 stalks and then the peanut butter came out. Since I did not measure, but rather used the celery to scoop, the amount would be a guess. I'll honesty say I stopped myself at about 1/2 cup. It may have been less, but I doubt it.
So I did not eat again until dinner and then had salad with some chicken.
Ally is ok. But I should stop buying peanut butter.

1 comment:

Jen on the Edge said...

You wouldn't believe how much peanut butter my family goes through. Mostly because my husband bikes to work, so often will have peanut butter on graham crackers for breakfast so that he'll have the energy to tackle the big hills on his way to work.