Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Someone with some common sense took a look at that study about women needing an hour of exercise every day in order to maintain their weight and calls it BS. Susan Roberts writes on The Daily Beast:

...while exercise is essential for health, when it comes to weight control this new study suggests that the average woman can expect to avoid 0.1 ounces of weight gain a month. In other words, out of the average typical yearly weight gain of 8 ounces per year, she is likely to prevent a less-than-whopping 1.3 ounces—barely more than one-sixteenth of one pound—that would have otherwise occurred without all those trips to the gym.

With numbers like these, can we finally get rid of the propaganda that exercise is a panacea for weight problems? Far from encouraging women to hit the gym even harder, a study like this should send the message that although exercise has many wonderful benefits, preventing weight gain isn’t one of them.

The study actually shows that many of the women in the study who were already overweight and then did exercise an hour a day - get this - gained weight! So, I agree with Rogers, there is much more going on than exercise.

I know for me, I need to exercise. I need it to keep myself limber and flexible. I get stiff and my legs ache if I don't keep up with my exercise. I am sure exercise helps with weight loss, but it isn't as important as calories for me. And it is easier for me to manage my calories if I stay low carb, write down my food intake and stick to a plan.

So the bottom line is, learn what works for you and don't go running off after every new fad or study that comes along!

1 comment:

shrink on the couch said...

Any advice that starts with "don't go running" is advice I'm likely to follow.